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GMS 6231 Genomics and Bioinformatics

In this course we review principles of genomic characterization and bioinformatic analysis of eukaryotes, including an overview of analytical platforms, computational tools, experimental design, analysis methods and databases used to study DNA sequence, gene expression and protein levels. The course also includes an overview of some of the latest developments in genomics, including microbiome and epigenome analysis. 

GMS6231 is a graduate course offered through the College of Medicine/Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology. The course is required for graduate students of the graduate program in Genetics and Genomics. The course is divided into five sequential sections: (1) DNA and genome sequencing, (2) DNA sequence variation, (3) transcriptome analysis, (4) proteome analysis and (5) integrative genomics. I am the course director, and also responsible for teaching the first, second and last section of the course (75%). The other section is taught by a faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In addition, several faculty give invited lectures on recent advancements.


PCB 5065 Advanced Genetics

In this course I teach the section on Quantitative and Population Genetics, in which students are first given an overview of the properties of a population in equilibrium (i.e. where gene frequencies are stable from generation to generation). This is followed by classes focused on how factors such as selection, migration and other evolutionary forces contribute to changes in gene frequencies. In the last part of this section, the topic of quantitative genetics is addressed, with an emphasis on standard and advanced methods for identification of genes that regulate complex traits.

Advanced Genetics is a required course for graduate students in the Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology (PMCB) and in the Genetics and Genomics graduate programs, and is one of the pre-requisites for the course GMS 6231 (Genomics and Bioinformatics). Advanced Genetics is taught by six instructors, each focusing on a specific topic area. Because of the large number of topics that have to be covered, most of the material is presented in the form of lectures, with one discussion of a scientific article at the end of the section. Students have periodic assignments (typically once every two lectures) where practical problems that apply the theory presented in class have to be solved, and one exam.


PCB 6555, Introduction to Quantitative Genetics

The focus of my lectures is on introducing the students to concepts of population genetics that are necessary to understand quantitative genetics methods, with an emphasis on breeding programs. The course begins with lectures, and then transitions to group presentations designed to stimulate the students to identify and discuss scientific articles where the concepts presented in class are applied to real world applications.

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